Thursday, December 30, 2010

Toddler Mouth Infection

eleven o'clock encyclopedia - The Sparkle Eye Edition

Hello Beautys,

na how are you so it "Between the years" ? Now I know at last why it's called Sun Because, the new beginning by various institutions (or similar) placed at different days (25.12 -. 1.1 - 6.1..). So the time is now "between the years".

But it should go here for something else today:)
specifically about the encyclopedia eleven o'clock in the version: Sparkle Eye . If any of you do not know what it should be this: It is a kind book, containing some eye shadow.
So, the whole looks like:

[Click to display larger]

Included are:
  • 12 powder eyeshadow
  • 2 Cremelidschatten                                           
  • 1 applicator (double-sided: sponge brush +)
  • Eyeliner         

Here I have a few close-ups each of the eyeshadow:

And of course I've also made swatches: D

I have no base geswatched , but I can say that they with Base still come out much stronger , the colors. Had the thing the green and wine red.
This Cream Eyeshadow I find less great. Also, I've had this cream eyeshadow quartet and use it, if at all, as cream highlighter on the cheeks .

costs: 6.99 €
I find the price not expensive and the format of the book is great.
This is also still in the inside the "book" . A small guide, where the colors, depending on necessity, place should be (eg "define" or "dramatic", you can sadly see bad, the writing is very ornate)

Finally, even a small movies: D
Will you have first broadcast all inclined to see everything straight * lol *. Have not noticed until later that something is not working. But you still useable even have the pictures;)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Premiere Cs3 Mpeg Import

"Darling blog" - Award

Hallöööchen her liver over Christmas: D,

the dear Mademoiselle Others gave me the "Darling blog" award! Thank you, that is totally sweet of you and a great compliment!

I give the award of course you! And so to the following ladies:


pink loveliness

sections AllinOne

beautiful-and cheap

You have been tagged and want to participate?

Create a post by adding the Dearest Blog & the image posting instructions reinkopierst (= the text you are reading). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & they informed by the comment in her blog that you accept the award and the link you leave your posts as Award. Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you link in your post and also the owner of each per comment - function will inform that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is. Dear bloggers: The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light. So I would ask you to post any blogs that 3,000 readers already have, but talented beginners and people who blog but has been a while, but still not known.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Steven Na Pokemon Soul Sil

Christmas Gift: Sleek - Storm range

a nice 2nd Christmas to all!

I hope you keep stomachs by yet:). Today there was delicious goose / chest, croquettes, dumplings and red cabbage with sauce * jammy *

My sister put me including this beautiful Sleek Eyeshadow Palette under the tree:

; ; Storm

swatches - top row from left to right
(pictured from top to bottom)

Swatches - bottom row
(geswatched as described above)

The bottom line seems more pigmented , but I have the Schwammaplikator used (except for brown) and before the finger . can see)

time that you create as it looks nice: Also, are the colors of the top row on its own so much brighter!


shall possess their products from Sleek? Perhaps a few pallets?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Crock Pot Cooking Times

My AMU to Christmas Eve

Hello Christmas angels

I hope the evening was all very beautiful. We have had very good food: croquettes, mixed vegetables, steak sauce and three kinds of meat: beef, venison and lamb fillet ! This was a Schmauss, I tell you: D

Here is the eye makeup that I have taken yesterday:

Golden and maroon eyeshadow and golden Glitzereyeliner from the last post about it:)

In the pictures that I've made, you may unfortunately see worse. How to make good pictures of eye makeup?

I would love to see even Christmas eye make-up creations of you on your blog: D

Make yourself comfortable lovelies,


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Write Something Funny

drugstore purchase 2

my beauties!

I was yesterday at Rossmann.Eigentlich I wanted to just buy a new shampoo, whatever it was, however, but more: D
landed in my bag:
deodorant, shampoo, nail polish, mascara and cleansing. can
I discovered a new Deo.Da of my old has "the shower" fails totally had bought a new her.Ich me, "D'arcy Helène" I wonder if that will withstand the workout and will report then.)
also Rival de Loop 3 in 1 cleansing wipes Hydro.Es is alcohol free and ideal for clear, clean and remove eye make-up.
nail polish is young.Acetonfrei Rival de Loop and flowery promises Duft.Bin smitten:) You think it is
kaum.Meine mother haircut and we had not a single shampoo in the house, which adapted to the needs of my hair ist.Unglaublich.
, I have already heard several times that all this "without silicone-delusion, I thought you mir.Probierst also mal.Kann schaden.Bisher not know each had my shampoo containing silicone and my hair was gesund.Nun have hitherto But winter and we are like every winter break.
I have to say without a shampoo from Swiss O Par silicones gekauft.Es smells of green apple (which it really, totally good!) and promises to shine and Volumen.Das course I can not judge yet. Become a
this test, and I then make a decision.
Last but not least, the new Mascara.Sie comes also from Rival de Loop.Diese is purple mascara and from the current LE RDL.
erwartet.Man have several looks, it is not black, but we see only at closer look a whole, it is purple.
A little disappointed, but gut.Ein test, it was worth:)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Malaria Affecting Which Part Of The Body

dry lips? My tip!

winter. Who knows
in this sub-zero temperatures do not, brittle, strained and dry lips.
My advice to you is this: Lubricate

1.niemals Labello lip, if you are in the cold. Apply
2.nur in the warm Labello, and not with half-drawn-butter on the lips go out.

So you do nothing wrong, because of the "cold shock" will break your lips only much faster. I have several
Pflegestifte.Mein favorite is this one:

He has already accepted my lip shape and therefore I will not give him any more! : D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Light Bulbs For Ikea Stranne

purchase in the drugstore

I was shopping at DM and Ross and I bought a few things.
  • Alverde Camouflage
  • Alverde sensitive shampoo
  • P2 nail polish time 44 Dating
  • P2 Nail Polish No. 50 charming
  • Rival de Loop Anti Shine Paper
  • Rival de Loop Compact Powder Beige
  • Rival de Loop nail polish No .48

The things I'm really up on the anti-Shine Powder bought the paper and to test everything.
The powder is my powder, which I use daily and the anti-Shine Paper goes on: D I hope
Alverde me about the shampoo, it can perhaps save some time for my hair a bit.
The colors of nail polish convince mich.Sie are convinced außergewöhnlich.Die quality not as expensive as the MAC etc, but I do not see in nail varnish, which I wear maybe a once a month to spend more than 10 €. The Camouflage austesten.Habe
I would also have never been so "worked".

A review will be available after testing:)

Slow Juking Songs For Party

MAC Creme Sheen Creme d'Nude & Lip pencil Subculture

fit squad to my Leopard Luxe I've bought the right color for the lips I just consult the MAC Store in Dusseldorf and I am real. happy with my young choice.The Lord has shown me several lipsticks and matching it with me Lipliner aufgetragen.Die decision was not einfach.Da I am a very changeable type and I alsauch flashy subdued color well can take all the 3 were great and everyone had something besonderes.Zum one was there:
  • Lady Danger
  • Creme d'Nude
  • Hue
the end, the squad has taken the decision to me then and I did, because it fits best to the eye shadow colors, nude for the Creme d'. I would it is my one and never hergeben.Er alles.Als Next I will probably kaufen.Vielleicht Lady Danger is he also under Weihnachtsbaum.Man do not know:)


Lady Danger

Creme d'nude

Which Printer Does Bella Use In New Moon

MAC Fabulous Felines (LE) Leopard luxe

It's about MAC.Es Leidenschaft.Es concerns about Leopard: )
The LE was called "Fabulous Felines." The colors were all Erdtöne.Ich had me squat bought in September and love it since the first moment an.Die colors are suitable for school / work etc and can be combined for evening class, they also look great in the spotlight.

Have made a few photos for you.

Leopard Luxe squad



MAC Eyeshadow Notoriety


Wild By Nature, Notoriety, Predator style, Fabulous Furiously

Groom Wedding Vote Of Thanksspeech Example


Hello my beauties.

I created this blog to my actual blog is not with beauty stuff to "spam" and I can let off steam here with you girls:) I
look forward to your comments, suggestions and inspiration.
I will in the next few days mess around on the blog, until I begin to tell you my tips and tricks:)


Sunday, September 5, 2010

List Of Ways To Hurt A Guys Balls

Competition for Fuel & Fashion

To celebrate Fuel & Fashion 's birthday it is a great contest, in which the Zoeva bamboo brush set, you can win 2 Catrice paints and great bracelets! Check it out on the blog over! Happy Birthday;)